Music Sheet Giveaway :)



"You're Truly a Good Kid (Kimi Ha Hontou Ha Iiko Dayo)" Free Music Sheet Give Away. You're Really a Good Kid" is an original song composed by NY-based musician Miggy Miyajima, performed on "Tetsuko's Room" in May 2024. The song is based on an episode from Tetsuko Kuroyanagi's "Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window" and Miggy's own personal experiences.

*初心者ピアニストの方へ 【15分で分かる】ピアノ初心者が今すぐうまくなる5つのヒントというビデオをYouTubeにあげてあります。合わせてどうぞ(^^) I also have a video on YouTube titled '5 Tips for Piano Beginners to Improve Immediately in 15 Minutes.' Press the CC button to display the English translation. Enjoy 😊

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    2024 (c) Miggy Migiwa Music